Scammers: Scammers are using Sanare LTO and posing as an employee to purchase Heparin and other drugs. This is a SCAM!

Posted on May 07,2024 Latest News

Please do not transact with anyone who is buying Heparin or other drugs. They provide fake documents to scam suppliers and fake deposit slips. Their modus is to inquire about medicines and makes small purchases to get your confidence then make a big purchase without paying. We were scammed last year with this group and taking legal actions.

We have our own company email address and NEVER use Gmail. or any other email extension is not a valid company email these are scammers.

Please report this to your local PNP and NBI. PDEA is also looking for the group involved.

Attached is an example of the Purchase Order they provide and its not official PO from Sanare Medical Products Corp.


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